- a New Series by Prof. Michot of Ibn Taymiyah’s Textes spirituels: NS 16: “Ghadîr Khumm” (pdf) for the rest of the series click here
- Peter Adamson on Islamic Philosophy:
- Podcast on philosophy (link) many many episodes!
- Episodes 120 – 145: Formative Period
- Episodes 146 – 170: Andalusia
- Episodes 171 – 195: Eastern Traditions
- So you want to teach Islamic Philosophy (link)
- Arabic translators did far more than just preserve Greek philosophy (link)
- What can Avicenna teach us about the mind-body problem? (link)
- If Aquinas is a philosopher then so are the Islamic theologians (link)
- Philosophy in the Islamic World, Oxford University Press 2016 (link)
- Philosophy in the Islamic World: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press 2015 (link)
- Two major online philosophy encyclopedia’s are including Islamic philosophy articles and written by major scholars in the field: Here is an article on Arabic and Islamic Metaphysics by Amos Bertolacci from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (link) and another on Avicenna by Sajjad H. Rizvi for Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (link)
- Erdem, Engin. “Craig And His Concept of Eternity: A Critique From the Standpoint of Kalam” (word)
- Khalil, Atif. “Is an Intra-Islamic Theological Ecumenism Possible? A Response to Sherman Jackson” The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 22:4 (2005) 84-95 (pdf)
- Michot, Y. “Misled and Misleading… Yet Central in their Influence: Ibn Taymiyya’s Views on the Ikhwan al-Safa’,” pp. 139-179. In The Ikhwan al-Safa’ and their Rasa’il: An Introduction, edited by Nader El-Bizri. Oxford University Press, 2008. (pdf)
- Michot, Y. “Al-Farabi and His Influence on the Early Avicenna: The Evidence from the Kitab al-Mabda’ wa-l’-Ma’ad,” pp. 327-340. In Proceedings of the International al-Farabi Symposium, Ankara, October 7-8, 2004. Ankara, 2005. (pdf)
- Michot, Y. “Cultes, Magie et Intellection: L’homme et sa Corporéité Selon Avicenne,” Vol. 1, pp. 220-233. In L’homme et son Universe au Moyen Age, edited by Christian Wenin. Louvain-la-Neuve, 1986. (pdf)
- Michot, Y. “Des-alteration et epiphanie: une lecture avicennienne de la danse mevlevie,” pp. 25-33. In Milli Mevlana Kongresi. Konya, 1992. (pdf)
- Michot, Y. “Une Nouvelle Oeuvre du Jeune Avicenne: Note complementaire a propos du ms. Huseyin Celebi 1194 de Brousse.” Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 34 (1992), 138-154. (pdf)
- Michot, Y. “Un Important Recueil Avicennien du VIIe / XIIIe S.: La Majmu’a Huseyin Celebi 1194 de Brousse.” Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 33 (1991), 121-129. (pdf)
- Michot, Y. “Ibn Taymiyya’s Commentary on the Creed of al-Hallaj,” pp. 123-136. In Sufism and Theology, edited by Ayman Shihadeh. Edinburgh University Press, 2007. (pdf)
- Michot, Y. “Vanites intellectuelles…l’impasse des rationalismes selon le rejet de la contradiction d’ibn Taymiyyah,” Oriente Moderno 3 (2000), 597-617. (pdf)
- Michot, Y. “A Mamluk Theologian’s Commentary on Avicenna’s Risala Adhawiyya: Being a Translation of a Part of the Dar’ al-ta’rud of Ibn Taymiyya with Introduction, Annotation, and Appendices” Part I, Journal of Islamic Studies, 2003 14:2 pp.149-203 and Part II , Journal of Islamic Studies, 2003 14:3 pp. 309-363 (PDF).
- Michot, Y. “Le Riz Trop Cuit Du Kirmânî: Présentation, Éditon Traduction et Lexique de L’épître d’Avicenne Contestant L’accusation d’avoir Pastiché Le Coran”, in F. Dalemans, et. al. Mélanges Offerts À Hossam Elkhadem par ses Amis et ses Éléves, Bruxelles, 2007. pp. 81-129. (PDF)
- Michot, Y. “Al-Nukat wa-l-faw`id: An Important Summa of Avicenian Falsafa”, in Peter Adamson, ed., Classical Arabic Philosophy: Sources and Reception, Warburg Institue, London 2007, pp. 90-123. (pdf)
- Taylor, Richard C. “The Agent Intellect as ‘form for us’ and Averroes’s Critique of al-Fârâbî” Topicos (Universidad Panamericana, Mexico City) 29 (2005) 29-51. Reprint in Proceedings of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics 5 (2005)18-32 (pdf)
- Michot, Y. “Ibn Taymiyya on Astrology Annotated Translation of Three Fatwas”, Journal of Islamic Studies 11:2 (2000) pp. 147-208. (pdf)
- Michot, J, “Les Sciences Physiques et métaphysiques selon la risalah fi aqsam al-`ulum D’Avicenne Essai De Traduction Critique”, Bulletin De Philosophie Médiévale 22, 1980 pp. 62-73 (pdf)
- M. B. Altaie. Daqiq al-Kalam: Islamic Approach to Natural Philosophy, PDF
- “Three Views of Science in the Islamic World”, God, Life and the Cosmos: Christian and Islamic Perspectives, eds. Ted Peters, Muzaffar Iqbal, Syed Nomanul Haq, (Ashgate, 2002), pp. 43-75.
- “The Sacred versus the Secular: Nasr on Science”, Library of Living Philosophers: Seyyed Hossein Nasr, ed. L. E. Hahn, R. E. Auxier and L. W. Stone (Chicago: Open Court Press, 2001), pp. 445-462.
- A comment of Abul Hassan Al-Âsh’ari’s argument proving that existentia is essentia. (in arabic) word. Khayrallah, Lotfi.
- Islamic Political Philosophy Book (Arabic Text): Tuhafat al-turk fima yajb an ya’mal fil muluk. (ed. Abdel Karim M. al-Hamdawy.
- Averroes’ Critique of Kalam Atomism by M. Altaie (APDF) Arabic Word. (note there is an abstract in English on page 2).
- Reason, Physicalism, and Faith By. Prof. Crow. E-text English in word format.
- On the expansion of the universe: Ghazali versus Ibn Rushd. by M. Altaie (Arabic PDF) New Article. Also in Arabic word format.
- The degeneration of the Sun: Galen versus Ghazali with the defense of Ibn Rushd. by M. Altaie (Arabic E-text – 328K) New Article. Also in Arabic word format.
- The explanation of the refutations of al-Ghazali against the first proof of the philosophers which confirms the eternity of the world. (in arabic) word. Khayrallah, Lotfi.
- Islamic Philosophical Arguments for the Existence of God. M. Fahkry. (E-text)
- Al-Ghazali’s Crisis: a Re-evaluation of writings on his crisis. M. Hozien. (E-text)
- Primer on Islam and the Problems of Causation, Induction and Skepticism. M. Aftab. (E-text)
- The Scientific value of dakik al-Kalam. M. Altaie (E-text- pdf only-783Kb)
- Rationality in Islamic Philosophy. M. Fahkry. (E-text- pdf)
- Philosophical Terminology in Arabic and Persian. S. Afnan (E-text- pdf)
- From the Net: